Taos Hum Brummton Phänomen ZurichSwitzerland
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Please also read my general statements at the end of this text. • If you just want to hear the hum I recorded jump to position 00:42. • --------- • This sound is a real recorded sound of the Taos Hum - not synthesized! • I call it Taos Hum because it's a common name for it and most people know what it is. • • Date: 22.01.2009, 01:14 am • Recorded outside of the city (urban region), inside a room, door and windows closed, microphone inside the room with a cable to recording gear outside of the room, • outside house temp max 2°C, humidity more than 80%, wind 0-1m/s, no rain • • My girlfriend hears it regularly. There are periods she doesn't hear it at all and then again she hears it many nights after another being kept awake. • • We tried to find the origin of the sound. We checked the heating in the whole house, did tests with winter/summer settings, switched on and off the refrigerators, closed the water pipes- ours and the ones from the neighbour, checked the environment around the house for running machines, ventilating systems etc. We let come the service technician and told him the story. He first didn't believe us until I showed him the record of the hum sound. Then he was dumbfounded, too. • • But we couldn't find anything that produced a similar sound. Perhaps the sounds from the environment change when traveling through the ground and then hit the house. Perhaps the bedroom is located at an interference point (?) Or perhaps the whole house acts as a resonator (?)... We don't know • • I usually don't hear the sound, but sometimes can hear it, when the environment is completely silent and me lying in the bed for some time being completely relaxed. • • Anyhow, when I recorded the Hum sound in January 2009, at Zürich-Höngg (Zurich-Hoengg) Switzerland, I could clearly hear the sound. It was more a pressure than a direct sound. The analysis of the recorded sound showed me a peak around 100Hz plusminus some Hertz. So the origin of the sound may be the power lines (we have 50Hz). • The microphone cable I used is not shielded. Also the amplifier may not be shielded well. I also could see peaks between 8 and 12 Hertz (Schumann Frequency ?), there were strong noise signals in the range of 10 kHz (fluorescent lamps?). My system mic-filter-amp is capable of registering pressure changes down to 0.1Hz. But I set the corner frequencies at 8Hz and ca. 21kHz, samplerate 44.1kHz (the Nyquist theorem was not broken) • • I believe it is an acoustic sound rather than electromagnetic waves. But honestly, I don't really know... • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • General statements • • After some interesting discussions I decided to write these statements that should explain my standpoint to the Taos Hum and the recording. • • 1. This (Taos) Hum exists • 2. I heard it, I recorded it • 3. The hum's origin still is unknown, even to scientists • 4. It may be caused naturally • 5. It may be caused by human technology • 6. It may be a pure acoustical sound • 7. It may be electric/electromagnetic induced into matter causing acoustical phenomena, or in my case, induced into the electronics • 8. Signal sampling/processing may increase nuisance factors or even produce new artificial signals, important are the kind of signals resp. the relations in amplitude, phase, periodicity / randomness and distribution over the frequency spectrum • 9. If you write absolute statements you just show how little your knowledge about science and scientific thinking is • 10. If you write absolute statements you just show that you haven't read this text