Rolling Girl English Lyrics


(This PV is so basic compared to my others! XD) • I've made this video and wrote this English adaption a VERY long time ago. It was just sitting in my video folder for a long time and I never uploaded it. So I figured, why not tweak it a little bit and upload it today? I'm mean, it's there, and I haven't made any videos in awhile because I'm so busy, so why not, right? • I made this video because I never wrote English lyrics to my Rolling Girl duet (which I plan on redoing. ._.) and also to show my dad the lyrics of Rolling Girl. (withOUT showing him my YouTube account! O///O) He wanted to understand to concept of people being suicidally depressed with self-harm-related activity, so I used the English translation of Rolling Girl, wrote it into an adaption to flow with the music, and made this video to show it to him. But that was almost a year ago. ._. So I'm uploading it now. • I'm going to upload a Voca Update soon, so that'll give you details on what's going on with my projects. :) • Enjoy! Let me know what you think! ^_^ • DISCLAIMER!!! I CLAIM NOTHING THAT IS NOT MINE!! IF I AM IN VIOLATION OF ANY COMPANY STANDARD, THEN I AM MORE THAN LIKELY UNAWARE OF IT, PLEASE DO NOT ACCUSE ME OF TRYING TO TAKE OWNERSHIP OF ANYTHING THAT IS NOT MINE, OR JUST FLAT OUT TRYING TO ANNOY THE COMPANIES!!! I WILL NEVER TRY TO TAKE OWNERSHIP OF ANYTHING THAT IS NOT MINE, I NEVER HAVE, AND I NEVER WILL!!! ALL RIGHTS GO TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS!!! • • Link to the KaitoxMiku picture. ^_^:


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