Epicurus Pleasure And Suffering Philosophy
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Epicurus : Pleasure And Suffering Philosophy • epicurus is a greek philosopher from the hellinistic period. he is the founder of epicureanism. this ancient greek school of philosophy taught its followers how to attain a happy tranquil life , characterized by the absence of pain , fear and destructive emotions. • epicurus wrote about 300 treatise , but among all these writings , the only surviving complete works that come to us are , 3 letters and two groups of quotes , which are found in , lives of the eminent philosophers , written by the historian diogenes laertius . • epicureanism is based on the theory that says , moral distinction between good and evil comes from the sensation of pleasure and pain. meaining , good is what produces pleasure. bad is what is painful . and so moral reasoning is a matter of calculating the benefits and costs in terms of pain and pleasure. • today's thinkers have a rigid misconception of epicureanism. they say that this philosophy advocate pursuit of pleasure . but its actual goal is the absence of pain and suffering . when we do not suffer , we are no longer in need of pleasure , and we enter a state of ataraxia. ataraxia is the ultimate goal of life . it is also a state of perfect tranquility and peace . • epicurus preached minimzing harm , and maximizing happiness of oneself , as well as others. most importantly he warned us against overindulgence , and excessive pleasures , because it leads to suffering and anxiety . • what's interesting about epicurus is that he walk the talk . he practiced what he preached. for instance, his house was simple, his clothes were basic , and he followed a very simple way of living . simple epicurean communities, which were based on the garden, were esablished all over the ancient greek world. according to epictetus a cheerful poverty is an honorable state . • in contrast to the stoic philosophers, epicurus shared little interest in participating in politics, he said that politics leads to trouble. he also did not advocate fame. instead, he advocated seclusion. seclusion means getting through life , withtout drawing attention to oneself , and without persuing power or wealth. epictetus urges us to anonymously enjoy the little things of life , such as the company of good quality friends. speaking of friends, the father of epicreanism said that developing a circle of good quality relationships that you can trust and rely on is important to secure a tranquil life . • lastly, epictetus philosophy have influenced many thinkers after him , including but not limited to , john stuart mill , john locke , karl marx , friedrich nietzsche , thomas jeferson , and even the american founding fathers . • thank you for watching . • #epicurus #pleasure #suffering #philosophy