Donkey Kong 64 Part 11 5Player
Welcome back to our Let's Play of Donkey Kong 64 for the Nintendo Wii U Virtual Console! • This is going to be a 5 player Let's Play. Now, I know what you're all thinking... How can this be 5 players!? Well, we're each going to be assigned a Kong, and whenever it's that Kong's turn to play, that person will play! • That being said, we have a special guest with us. Cassie from KoopaCouple (also Tyson's girlfriend)! • We hope you guys enjoy this Let's Play! We've had a ton of fun recording it so far! • Be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed! • Thanks for watching! • ---------Links--------- • LIVESTREAMS • Chris - / chrescendo • Tyson - / siber170 • OTHER CHANNELS • Chris (solo) - / chrescendo • Tyson and Cassie - / koopacouple • Solo channels: • Tyler's Channel - / tylerdelynn • Tyson's Channel - / siber170 • Spencer's Channel - / mrsuhspence • Stay connected with us: • Like our Facebook - / wiiriketopray • Follow us on Twitter -!/WeRikeToPray • Follow us on - / wiiriketopray • Follow us on Instagram - / wiiriketopray