The Centaurs in Greek Mythology and Who is the most famous Centaur


The Centaurs in Greek Mythology and Who is the most famous Centaur? • CENTAUR, in Greek mythology, one of a race of creatures that were half man and half horse, usually depicted as having the head, neck, arms, and chest of a man and the body, legs, and tail of a horse. They lived chiefly around Mt. Pelion in Thessaly and were believed to be the offspring of Ixion and a cloud. The Centaurs, accordingly, were also known as Ixionidae. • According to the most accepted version of the account of their origin, Ixion, king of the Lapithae in Thessaly, fell in love with Hera, wife of Zeus, and arranged a meeting intending to seduce her. However, Zeus fashioned a cloud in the shape of Hera and carried it to the meeting place. Ixion embraced the cloud, and from this union were born the Centaurs. The most famous of the Centaurs was Chiron , who was the teacher of Jason, Aesculapius, and Hercules. • At the wedding of Ixion’s son Pirithous and Hippodamia, one of the Centaurs became intoxi-cated and tried to abduct the bride. A battle ensued in which many Centaurs were slain; the others were driven from Thessaly. • #Centaurs • #Greek • #Mythology


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