Transform Your Abs with this Effective Cable Oblique Exercise shorts
Core Exercises with the Cable Machine to build a Bulletproof Strong Chiseled Core, with Coach Erin Stern! • At most conventional gyms the Cable Machine is always the busiest, most used piece of equipment. Some people will wait, and watch for an opening forever, and eventually give up! • The cables provide unique way to add tension to the Core Muscle groups with a smooth and controlled weight distribution. • If you get that rare opportunity to sneak into the cables, try these core exercises by Coach Erin Stern! • FREE Protein Book Cup: • • ๐ต Thanks for Watching Critical Bench Compound! Please Like and Subscribe! ๐ต • . • . • . • . • ==== • #cableoblique #obliqueworkout #absworkout #abtraining #abmotivation #sixpackabs #coretraining #strongcore #coreexercises #corestrengthening #corestability #strengthtraining #followalongworkout #erinstern #criticalbenchcompound