National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Fun Facts and Movie Breakdown
You voted National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation your favorite Holiday movie of the year in 2023, and I am giving you some fun behind the scenes facts about the movie as well as a fun movie breakdown featuring lots of clips from the original film. Grab some Eggnog, empty the shitter, and then sit down and relax and enjoy our breakdown of Christmas Vacation starring Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo. • Thank You For Watching! • For more videos like this, please like and subscribe. We would love to have you as part of our In Like Flynn's family. This channel is total randomness. We have everything from Ride Videos to Movie Clips and Reviews, Aquarium Updates, NFL News and Updates, Comedic Shorts (or attempts at humor) to everything in between. We are like Walmart - We have a got a little bit of everything. Don't delay - Subscribe today. • • In Like Flynn's Youtube Channel: / @inlikeflynns • #christmasvacation #nationallampoon #movie #moviereview #movies #moviescenes #film #christmas #christmasmovies #chevychase