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Want to learn the secret biomechanical techniques I use to help clients all over the world move and feel their best? • Join the Priority List for Movement Foundations - Become a Movement Master • https://movementfoundationspriority.c... • Want to Breathe and Move Better? - Take the Breathwork Breakthrough 7-Day Challenge. • Click this link: https://breathworkbreakthrough.chapli... • Lateral Pelvic Tilt Correction - Left Hamstring Progression • A lateral pelvic tilt is a postural impairment that occurs when the space between the rib cage and pelvis is altered so that one side is hiked up relative to the other side. This is part of normal gait mechanics when either side can hike and un-hike in an alternating fashion, but when one side stays hiked while the other is less hiked, without alternation, the lateral pelvic tilt can become problematic from a movement standpoint. • Not all lateral pelvic tilts are created equal. A left and a right lateral pelvic tilt *usually* involve an orientation of the body to the right. • To address a left vs. a right lateral pelvic tilt, more emphasis is needed on the musculature of the posterior thigh, including the hamstring. In contrast, on the right, activities that teach opening of the space between the pelvis and the rib cage might be adequate. On the left, this is unlikely to work. • In this video, we demonstrate a hamstring progression to enhance ability to engage the musculature of the posterior thigh without excessive activity of the back extensors. By achieving posterior expansion, the sacrum and spine can reorient to the left, improving hip range of motion, rib movement, and ability to shift weight in an alternating fashion, which over time will help reduce the excessive activity of the left posterior thorax and sacrum responsible for a left lateral pelvic tilt. • Affiliate links (I make a small commission if you buy through my links) for equipment you might need: • Small playground ball: https://amzn.to/3uGXnFE • Theraband set: https://amzn.to/3c7TK55 • Resistance band set: https://amzn.to/3vCmJ8U • Foam Squat Ramp: https://amzn.to/2TwIwAT • Squat Wedges: https://amzn.to/2SEwCV4 • Wooden Adjustable Slant Board: https://amzn.to/3fUKGlq • Camera Kit for Video Production: https://amzn.to/34MD3IF • For more, visit https://www.chaplinperformance.com


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