Stop BodyShaming Vanndy ChanRachna
We’ve all been compared to other people at some point and whether we want to admit it or not, we will always be compared to other people at any stage of our lives. Being compared to another person is just as destructive as comparing yourself to other people. In life, you will always encounter people who try to bring you down by criticizing your body figure but sometimes, it’s the voices inside our heads that are way scarier. We need to stop labeling ourselves and each other by comparative adjectives (who’s more successful, who’s more beautiful, etc). Body image is how you see yourself and your own perception of your body. It does not matter who you are, what your gender or sexuality is, what your size or skin color is, you are beautiful for being unapologetically yourself and for the body you have. It’s about time you realize that and embrace the gift that is your body, if you haven’t already. • • For more videos like this, follow us: • • • • / ignitephnompenh • More information: • [email protected] •