Gerry Beckley Crying
Released from the studio album, Horizontal Fall (2006) • Songwriter - Gerry Beckley • Credits: • Drums - Ryland Steen • Producer, Engineer, Performer - Gerry Beckley • Gerald's YouTube Playlists: • / geraldchen1 • Lyrics: • I see your face • I hear your voice • I touch your hand • It's all so clear • The days go on • We have no chokce • What's that I see • Is it a tear • Why are you crying • Why aren't you trying to work this out • Why are you crying • You know what this is all about • There is no light • It's all so blue • There's only me • There's only you • What's that you say • That can't be true • You've let it go • I don't believe you • Why are you crying • Why aren't you trying to work this out • Why are you crying • You know what this is all about • Here I am • Right back whrere I started from • Hand in hand • It's where I want to be • Crying • Crying • Why are you crying • Why are you crying • Why are you crying • Why are you crying • Why are you crying