How to Grow Bush Beans 30 Plants in One Vertical Tower


Whether you want to grow green beans or dry beans in your garden, or you want to grow pole beans or bush beans, or you want to grow pinto beans, soybean, sugar beans, runner beans or any other species or variety or beans, this tutorial will teach you everything you need to know about becoming a successful beans farmer. • As a beans farming beginner, this tutorial will train you and teach you how to prepare your garden before planting beans, how to sow bean seeds, whether to use previously harvested beans or buy new bean seeds from the store, how to fertilize the beans garden using compost or animal manure or how much synthetic fertilizer to use if you don't have organic manure, how to irrigate your beans plants, when to harvest the beans and diseases and pests that affect beans as well as pesticides and fungicides to use on your beans field. • This beans farming guide for beginners assumes you don't have any knowledge at all about growing beans, and it serves both new farmers intending to organic beans farming as well as those who are not interested in organic farming. • You will also learn the best times to grow beans, how much water to irrigate your beans, when to stop watering the bean plants and much more. All your beans farming questions will be answered in this video. However, should you still have any other question, then fell free to use the comments section below to ask me and I will be so glad to assist you. • TO BUY THE SOIL PH METER/THERMOMETER I USED IN THIS VIDEO, USE THIS LINK • Please kindly support Best Farming Tips Youtube channel by making a Paypal donation of any amount on • For more farming tips and articles, kindly visit my website • Subscribe to Best Farming Tips Youtube Channel here:    / @bestfarmingtips  


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