Basic12 Sensor technologies amp data acquisition techniques ASD Field
Usually, when airborne data is collected, there will also be measurements taken in the field with a device called spectroradiometer that collects spectral point data. These data can be used as reference for atmospheric correction of the airborne data, however, they are also often acquired independently of airborne imaging campaigns, e.g. to study environmental processes in high temporal resolution and/or to produce spectral libraries. In this video, colleagues from the Ludwig Maximilians Universität München (Munich) will take you outdoors and show you how they perform regular measurements of agricultural areas. The instrument they are using is an ASD Fieldspec 3 spectroradiometer. • *** FREE ONLINE COURSE *** • ‘Beyond the Visible – Introduction to Hyperspectral Remote Sensing‘ is the first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing presented by HYPERedu and EO-College • • OPEN FROM 24 NOVEMBER 2021, 08:00 am GMT • Register now: • The course teaches the principles of imaging spectroscopy, sensor technologies and data acquisition techniques, hyperspectral data processing approaches and data sources and provides expert-guided hands-on training. • The course was developed by GFZ Potsdam as part of the HYPERedu initiative with support from experts at various partner institutions. The development was funded within the EnMAP science program under the German Space Agency at DLR with resources from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy. • *** For FURTHER READING we recommend *** • ► Spectrometers • • Goetz A. F. H. (1975): Portable field reflectance spectrometer. JPL Technical Report (pp. 183 − 188). Pasadena, California Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. • • We have used an ASD FieldSpec HighRes ®: • ► Field spectroscopy • The colleagues from LMU Munich as well as others have published great guides on spectral sampling in the field: • • Danner M., Locherer M., Hank T., Richter K. (2015): Spectral Sampling with the ASD FieldSpec 4 – Theory, Measurement, Problems, Interpretation. EnMAP Field Guides Technical Report, GFZ Data Services. • • Malthus T.J., Ong C., Lau I., Fearns P., Byrne G., Thankappan M., Chisholm L., Suarez B., Clarke K., Scarth P., Phinn S. (2018): A community approach to the standardised validation of surface reflectance data. A technical handbook to support the collection of field reflectance data. Release version 1.0. CSIRO, Australia. ISBN: 978-1-4863-0991-7 • ► Some considerations on field spectroscopy • • Hueni A., Damm A., Kneubuler M., Schlapfer D., Schaepman M. E. (2017): Field and Airborne Spectroscopy Cross Validation – Some Considerations. IEEE Journal of Seleted topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing. Vol. 10 No. 3. • • Milton E. (1987): Principles of field spectroscopy. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 8:12, 1807-1827. • • Milton E., Fox N., Schaepman M. (2006): Progress in Field Spectroscopy. Computer Science, Economics.