How To Give Yourself A Nosebleed 3 PAINLESS WAYS


How to Give Yourself a Nosebleed • Subscribe: •   / joelkawira   •   / joelkawira   •   / joelkawira   • Queries Of The Interweb (QOTI) • © KAWIRA SUITE LLC • Music: Light Background - The Sixth Gate Music (Courtesy of WeVideo Music Library) • The ultimate tool for YouTube growth:: • I hope you don’t have hemophobia ‘cause in this video, I’m this video I’m going to be teaching you how to give yourself a nosebleed. Now there’s some obvious ways you could give yourself a bloody nose. You could walk into a door, you could punch yourself fin the face, or you could just start snorting coke, but I care about your wellbeing, so I’m boing to show you three ways to give yourself a bloody nose that are the least painful ways that at least I could find. Now keep in mind that a self induced nosebleed might not work for everyone. I’ve never had a nosebleed in my life, at least not naturally. I’ve been hit in the nose and then I’ve bled, but I’ve never just started bleeding from the nose profusely. • METHOD 1: EXCESSIVE NOSE PICKING • So this first method to get yourself a nosebleed is excessive nose picking. Okay I know some of you already do this, Charlie. If your name is Charlie and you pick your nose a lot, you’re probably going to get a nosebleed at some point. If you pick your nose excessively, there’s a chance that you’ll rupture the blood vessels in your nose and you’ll start bleeding. Careful with this one. You don’t want to shove your down too deep into your nose. So if you’re going to take the nose fingering method, tread lightly. • METHOD 2: BLOW NOSE HARD • This second method for how to get a bloody nose is to blow your nose really, really hard. If you’re trying to get a bloody nose fast, this can be an effective method. Again, you don’t want to hurt yourself but you want to blow pretty hard and pretty long. Don’t play that last sentence out of context. I know some of you have sick minds. • METHOD 3: DRY OUT NOSE • This third way to give yourself a bloody nose is to dry your nose out. If you can dry out your nose, you could very well trigger your nose bleed. So how do dry out your nose? Well there’s several things you can do. You can breath in cold air. Go to your freezer and just inhale. Use your hair dryer, or your blow dryer or whatever dryer you have in your house. Don’t shove your head in the dryer, that might not work. Except for you Charlie, you can shove your head in the dryer and nobody, nobody will stop you. Frick’n Charlie. There are also some nasal decongestants which also clear out noses when you have a cold. Try using one of those just to dry out your nose. • Now that you know how to give yourself a nosebleed, I want to hear from you, but not really, so if you have a video idea for me to do next, leave it in the comments because researching ideas gets…it just get’s hard for me and I’m lazy and I just want my ideas spoon fed to me in the comments, especially since I showed you how to make your nose start bleeding :) • My social media links are below my face if you want to stock me. If you want to get more horrible advise that will ruin your life you can watch these videos over here, and if you want to see somebody who’s seriously failing at life, you can look in the mirror! • How to give yourself a Nosebleed: •    • How To Give Yourself A Nosebleed | 3 ...   • Related Video:    • Video   • Check Out My Channel:    / @joelkawiraofficial   • Check Out My Other Channel:    / joelkawira   • Disclaimer: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links. If you purchase anything through them I'll get a small commission at no extra cost to you. This goes towards keeping the channel running so I can keep making videos you all love :)


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