Douglas Massey Policy Feedbacks
About this event: • • Professor Douglas Massey presents his paper 'Policy feedbacks and their influence on the evolution of the North American migration system' in the final Keynote for the conference Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond, held at the University of Oxford from 24-26 September 2013. • Although much research has examined the micro-level feedback processes by which migrant networks operate to sustain international migration and promote the expansion of movement over time to yield a process of cumulative causation, fewer studies have analyzed the dynamic interplay between state policies and migrant decision-making in shaping the developmental path of migration systems, or the interdependence between evolving system properties, public opinion, and policy formation in receiving societies. This paper considers the evolution of the North American migration system since 1965 to illustrate how state policy actions may unleash a set of unintended feedbacks that dramatically alter the contours of international migration to produce a path-dependent cycle producing outcomes that neither policy makers nor migrants envisioned or wanted.