Beforest How This Hyderabadbased Startup is Redefining Farming


BeForest team believes that being connected to nature is essential for the well being. The last few decades have been a big divergence from this paradigm. Sustainability has taken a back seat in the interest of aggressive growth. This has resulted in urban centres as the primary drivers of the economy and an ever-increasing urban population that sucks in natural resources from the rural and peri urban zones, rendering them degraded over time. Water and food security have become big issues that have penetrated the basic fabric of society today. The team wondered if there is an alternative to this constant struggle to ensure life’s basic needs. • In 2017, they decided to take a holistic look at the problem of both #agriculture and lives, and see if they could devise a framework that drove a society towards economic, ecological and social viability. Can they build a framework to ensure food and water for a community? Can they build value by making the eco-system work for them? BeForest has taken the first steps in answering these questions using principles of natural farming and permaculture. This process would eventually result in a community that lives amidst what we call a food #forest – a mixed self sustaining perennial system of food and water that requires no external inputs. • Visit for more details.


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