How Does A Motorcycle Oil Pump Work


Like other manufacturers, Honda uses what is known as a “gerotor” pump to deliver lubrication throughout the engine—first the filter, then the oil gallery, and onward to its many duties. Here, Cycle World Technical Editor Kevin Cameron explains how this pump, as used in a CBR600RR, works. • This is the oil pump from a Honda CBR600RR. It sits under the engine with its foot down in the oil sump. A lot of people call this a gear-rotor pump, but the inventor tells us it is a generated-rotor pump. His acronym is gerotor. Generated means they created one of the two parts this pump consists of and then it generated the shape for the complementary part. • If we take off the housing, we see a four-lobe inner rotor and a five-lobe outer rotor. A gerotor pump has end lobes on an interior rotor and end plus one on the exterior rotor. As I turn this, you can see this space here is getting bigger. Now it’s become as big as it can. And now it’s starting to get smaller again. • The housing has an intake side and an exhaust side. The intake goes to the side of the rotor where the space is getting bigger so it draws in oil. And then it moves to the other side, where this space is getting smaller. That’s the deliver side of the pump. It sends that oil out to the oil system, first to the filter, then the main oil gallery, and onward to its many duties. Lovely… • Read the full article here: • Subscribe to Cycle World Youtube: • Read more from Cycle World: • Buy Cycle World Merch:


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