Sanchara Dadara Astapadi SLB Kuchipudi Kalanilayam
#VineelaRao performs #Jayadeva #Ashtapathi. • Choreographed in the Kuchipudi style of Indian Classical dance by Padma Bushan Guru Dr. Vempati Chinna Satyam. • In this beautiful item with is both devotional and sensual, the author describes the agony and the ecstasy experienced by Radha when she hears the lilting melodies of Krishna's flute. • the scene opens with Shri Krishna immersed in a game of dice with a group of smitten gopikas. When Radha stumbles upon this scene, she peers from behind the vines in utter dismay. But the jealousy and insecurities in her heart are washed away by the nectar like melodies pouring from his beautiful lips through the enchanted flute. • Radha meanders through the forest lost in tormented thoughts about her Krishna. Even when she opens her eyes all she can see is several Krishnas courting several different Gopikas. • One Gopika who is mesmerised by Krishna's enchanting eyes, cannot even draw a Tilak neatly on his forehead on the first try ! • Another is busy plucking flowers from the nearby creepers, making a beautiful ball to play with Krishna. • Yet another Gopika creates a beautiful swing with a plank and chains of flowers and beckons her Krishna to sit on it while she pushes him to and fro with joy. • The author submits his literature at the feet of the Lord in total surrender to him. Some even say, that he (jeeva athma) is Radha ! one who has absolutely surrenderd his love, life and existence to the Lord ( Paramathma). • transitioning symbolically back into Radha, who upon seeing him rushes to embrace him. Only to find that it was an illusion ! • Where is the love of my life ? My Lord Krishna !? tell me dear friend ! where is He? • #kuchipudi #indianclassicaldance #bharatanatyam #odissi #classicaldance #kathak #bharatnatyam #dance #dancer #mohiniyattam #dancers #classical #indianclassicaldancers #indiandance #kathakali #india #dancersofinstagram #classicaldancer #indian #artist #art #music #kathakdance #bharathanatyam #bollywood #indianclassical #bharatanatyamdancer #photography #narthanam #indianclassicaldancer • #bharatanatyamdance #love #kerala #classicaldancers #bhfyp #semiclassical #kathakdancer #mohiniattam #kathakdancers #hiphop #kathaklove #kuchipudidancer #dancersofindia #kuchipudidance #indiandancer #artistsoninstagram #practicesaree #contemporarydance #dancerlife #folkdance #mumbai #kuchipudigrama #dancelife #carnaticmusic #theatre #classicaldancersofinstagram #bharatnatyamdancers #bharatanatyamdancersofinstagram #saree #costume