Never Buy Denuvo Games
By and large, PC gamers hate Denuvo, the controversial DRM software that has become the industry • standard for anti-piracy protection. It seems that Denuvo is now trying to rehabilitate its image with a big PR campaign led by product manager Andreas Ullmann, who's making the interview circuit while trying to improve the company's image among gamers. • I think it's super hard for a gamer, Ullmann tells Rock Paper Shotgun. I'm a gamer myself, and therefore I know what I'm talking about. I think it's super hard to see, as a gamer, what is the immediate benefit for me that a certain game developer, game publisher, is using our anti-piracy services. This gap, coupled with the fact that Denuvo simply works and pirates cannot play games which use it, as Ullmann puts it, are two main contributors to its negative reputation, he argues. • Ullmann cites a new study suggesting that piracy can take about 20% of a game's revenue. If I, as a gamer, would read that, I see: okay, then these big corporations are just making even more money. Ullmann says that with budgets for AAA games in the hundreds of millions, publishers are looking for insurance in forms like Denuvo. Again, this does not have an immediate benefit for me as a player. But if you look further, the more successful a game is, the longer it will get updates. The more additional content will come to that game, the more likely it is that there will be a next iteration of the game. That's basically the benefits that we offer to the average player. • I don't want to just sit here and poke holes in Ullmann's argument from afar, but by his own admission it's going to be tough for gamers to consider the idea that maybe Denuvo will help publishers line their pockets enough to ensure updates for everybody's favorite games. • Join this channel to get access to perks: • / @torified-