Threat Hunting via Sysmon SANS Blue Team Summit
Speaker: Eric Conrad, CTO, Backshore Communications; Senior Instructor, Co-Author SEC511 and SEC542, Author MGT514, SANS Institute • Windows Sysinternal's Sysmon offers a wealth of information regarding processes running in a Windows environment (including malware). This talk will focus on leveraging Sysmon logs to to centrally hunt malice in a Windows environment. Virtually all malware may be detected via event logs, especially after enabling Sysmon logs. • Sysmon includes advanced capabilities, including logging the import hash (imphash) of each process, which fingerprints the names and order of DLLs loaded by a portable executable. This provides an excellent way of tracking families of related malware. • We will also discuss updates to DeepWhite: an open source detective application whitelisting framework that relies on Microsoft Sysinternal's Sysmon and supports auto-submission of imphashes, EXE, DLL and driver hashes via a free Virustotal Community API key. • SANS Summit schedule: • The Blue Team Summit features presentations and panel discussions covering actionable techniques, new tools, and innovative methods that help cyber defenders improve their ability to prevent and detect attacks.