You can get the Drainer in telegram Drainersdepotbot drainer goldendrainercryptodrainerdrainer
#cryptodrainer #nftcryptodrainers #howtomakecryptodrainer✅Receive this DRAINER in telegram - @Drainersdepot_bot • ✅Receive this DRAINER in telegram - @Drainersdepot_bot • ✅Receive this DRAINER in telegram - @Drainersdepot_bot • 🔥Straight from the hot hands and our revision! • 🤑Earn over 10k$ every week with this drainer. • 🧑💻No obfuscation, Full source code + custom smart contracts 📈 • ⚙️The kit includes instructions for installation and configuration, which takes place in 2 clicks; any user can handle it. • 📈Smart contract files included: • ▫️All in one ▫️Claim ▫️Claim Reward ▫️Connect ▫️Execute ▫️Multicall ▫️Swap ▫️Security Update • 🛡A trust contract in the format: • ▫️0x0000 is available...0000 - maximum user trust • 💎All 8 methods to drain Main Coin and all Tokens down to the last coin: • ▫️Contract Transfer ▫️Sign ▫️Transfer ▫️Approve ▫️Permit ▫️Permit2 ▫️Uniswap Multicall ▫️Pancake Multicall ▫️Sushiswap ▫️QuickSwap • 🦊NFT output Method: • ▫️Sign ▫️Transfer ▫️SetApprovalForAll ▫️SeaPort 1.5 ▫️Blur Private Exploit ▫️X2Y2 Private Exploit • 🌐Works on all networks: • ▫️Ether ▫️BNB ▫️Polygon ▫️Avalanche ▫️Avalanche ▫️Optimistic ▫️Arbitrum ▫️Fantom ▫️Polis ▫️Aquachain ▫️Celo ▫️Expanse ▫️Metadium ▫️Aurora ▫️PrimusChain ▫️TomoChain ▫️Moonriver ▫️Theta ▫️Callisto ▫️Wanchain ▫️Velas EVM ▫️Evrice ▫️IoTeX ▫️RSK ▫️GoodData ▫️Newton ▫️Lightstreams ▫️EOS ▫️xDAI ▫️XinFin ▫️OKExChain ▫️GoChain ▫️Meter ▫️ThunderCore ▫️Fuse ▫️Huobi ▫️Energy • 📢Information on actions: • ▫️All notifications about user actions on the site and payments in Telegram channel/group (Login to the site, a unique identifier for each user, connect a wallet, automatically check the wallet balance via debank/ankr/etherscan/Zapper/OpenSea, etc. issuing confirmation, transfer, clicks, entering and exiting the site and much more.) • 🖼 Added popular website templates, 90+ more • #cryptodrainer , #nftcryptodrainers , #MSDRAINER, #howtomakecryptodrainer , #pinkdrainercrypto , #2024cryptowalletdrainer , #cryptowalletdrainer, #multichaindrainer , #msdrainercrypto