Take A Chance quotYuGiOh ZEXALquot Opening 1【TVSize Cover】Avaalie
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=7gLOhw-ph_E
my favorite opening and show ehehehkakshdkja • ✩ original: Michael Brady, Shane Guenego, Arthur Murakami, Surefire Music Group • ✩ vocal: Avaalie (me) • ✩ mix/tune/time: @Karlobster923 / karlobster • ✩ illustration: 夏里 / rk_prpr • ✩ video: Adhiew / adhiewns • Celebrating 2k followers on Twitch, thank you for taking a chance on me!! ZEXAL is probably the Yu-Gi-Oh anime closest to my heart (FOR MANY REASONS DONT LOOK AT ME CHAT) and I am so happy I get to cover its openings in celebration of the achievements that I have been able to reach thanks to all of your help!! More Yu-Gi-Oh covers soon, perhaps GX next? But for now, stay tuned for some summer and @NI.NA02 covers!! and thank you again for listening!! • HYPERDRIVE COVER HERE: • • Hyper Drive - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Openin... • ✶Follow Me✶ • Twitch: / avaalie • Twitter: / avaalievt • Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/avaalie • Discord: / discord • #yugioh #yugiohzexal #englishcover