Sons Trauma Kit Deployment Configuration IFAK
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • Packed in heavy-duty medical-grade vinyl and machine pressure sealed with RF-welded seams, it creates weatherproof protection for the critical medical supplies inside. The Under-Armor Trauma Kit follows all Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Guidelines and Protocols and feature high-quality, combat-proven components. The contents are packed around injury patterns in order of priority for care and the patent-pending design includes a pull‐tab and rip‐cord for quick deployment. All kits are designed to last 24-30 months. The Under-Armor Trauma Kit has been proven in Afghanistan and Iraq for four years and now this product is available for tactical teams and law enforcement patrol officers. • For more information and to purchase, click here: • ESAPI Trauma shape is 9 x 12 , less than one-inch thick and weighs approximately one-half pound. This version is ideal for tactical teams to wear in their vest plate pocket behind the operator's ballistic plate. Low Vis Trauma shape is 6 x 9 , less than one-inch thick and weighs approximately one-half pound. This version is ideal for anyone to insert into the soft trauma plate pocket of their concealable vest, store in a glove compartment, insert into a cargo pants pocket, or keep in a gear bag. • This innovative kit frees up valuable space for operators while providing essential life-saving tools. This product is a true innovation that changes the playing field in terms of carrying first responder life-saving trauma kits, as this product is not merely carried, but it is worn as an extension of the user's ballistic vest. • For more information and to purchase, click here: