Barbie of ParaDen Star Light Adventure Barbie
Sing-along with Barbie™ in the all-new musical movie Barbie Princess Adventure™ available on Netflix in the US on September 1. • #Barbie #BarbiePrincessAdventure #Netflix • Watch more Barbie videos: • Watch ALL the Barbie series! • 💕 Barbie Vlogs: • 💕 #Dreamhouse: • 💕 2021 You Can Be Anything Series: • 💕 Golden Beach High: • About Barbie Princess Adventure™: • The adventure begins when Barbie and her friends travel to the country of Floravia to meet Princess Amelia, who looks a lot like Barbie. Princess Amelia is nervous about becoming queen, so she comes up with a plan to switch places with Barbie. Their secret is safe until a rival prince discovers the truth. It’s then up to Barbie and her friends to stop the prince and rescue the princess in time for her coronation. With the support of her friends, Barbie helps Princess Amelia discover the power in finding your own voice. Filled with lots of fun songs and new friends, this exciting musical celebration shows the best thing you can be is yourself. • About Barbie: • For over 62 years, Barbie has led girls on a path to self-discovery and helped them to imagine the possibilities. After over 180 inspirational careers, Barbie—along with her friends and family—continues to inspire and encourage the next generation of girls that they can be anything. • Barbie Bahasa: / barbiebahasa • Barbie Deutsch: / barbiedeutschland • Barbie en Español: / barbieencastellano • Barbie Français: / barbiefrance • Barbie Italiano: / barbieitalia • Barbie Latinoamérica: / barbielatinoamérica • Barbie Po Polsku: / barbiepolskie • Barbie Português: / barbiebrasil • Barbie Türkiye: / barbietürkiye • Barbie Ελληνικά: / barbiegreece • Barbie Россия: / barbierussia • Barbie 中文: / barbie中文 • Barbie 日本語: / @barbiejapan • @Barbie | NEW OFFICIAL TRAILER: Barbie Princess Adventure | Barbie Princess Adventure • / barbie