On Reading Medieval Celtic Manuscripts ☕ Tea Time Celtic Studies

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It's tea time! Make yourself a cup of your favourite tea and sit back as we talk about my academic endeavours: my experience with Celtic Studies. Enjoy watching! • THE DESTRUCTION OF DA DERGA'S HOSTEL • A summary: • Before legendary king Conaire Mór begins his just and prosperous rule at Tara, a number of seemingly unwarranted gessa [taboos] are imposed upon him. His is a stained inheritance; his mother, Mes Buachalla, slept with a mysterious bird-man when Conaire was conceived. He is told that: (a) birds must always be privileged in the kingdom; and he shall not (b) pass righthandwise [deiseal, i.e. sunwise] around Tara nor lefthandwise [túaithbel i.e. withershins] around Brega; (c) hunt the ‘crooked beasts’ [cláenmíla] of Cerna; (d) stay away from Tara on any ninth night; (e) sleep in a house from which the light of a fire is visible after sunset and into which one can see from the outside; (f) allow three red men to go before him into a red man's house; (g) allow plundering raiders to land during his reign; (h) allow a lone man or woman to visit his residence after sunset; (i) try to settle a quarrel between two of his subjects. In the course of the narrative, however, Conaire unintentionally violates every one of these. When his three foster-brothers, Fer Gair, Fer Lí, and Fer Rogain, take to marauding, Conaire banishes them from Ireland. And when the three Ruadchoin of the Cualu (south of the Liffey) also begin marauding, he exiles them as well. At sea these exiles meet a band of reavers led by one-eyed Ingcél Cáech, a Briton, and together with the exiled sons of Medb, all named Maine, they ravage first Britain and then Ireland. In Britain they slay a local king along with Ingcél's parents and brothers. Setting sail for Ireland, they arrive first at Howth, while Conaire is travelling to Da Derga's hostel. En route Conaire is enticed by the bizarre-looking Fer Caille [man of the wood]. Once in the hostel Conaire is visited by a hideous female seer, Cailb, who prophesies that all of the defenders will be destroyed, except for what birds can take in their claws. Meanwhile, eager for both revenge and booty, the invaders land at Trácht Fuirbthi and advance inland with 5,000 men. The hostel, in many ways a magical dwelling, is usually described as having seven doorways, although some texts describe nine. Ingcél spies upon the hostel, describing the residents to his companions; Fer Rogain, Conaire's foster-brother, identifies the defenders from the descriptions and predicts which will survive. Three times the invaders set the hostel on fire, and three times the flames are extinguished. Many in the hostel are killed, the first being Lomna the fool, as he himself had predicted, but the defenders, including Conaire, slay many of the attackers. When all the available water is consumed Conaire dies of thirst, and two of the reavers decapitate him. At the end of the story Conaire's severed head thanks Mac Cécht for searching all of Ireland to find water to slake his thirst. • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • More HAIR TUTORIALS: http://goo.gl/7AZ6Se • BEAUTY BEACONS (get the look of historical beauty icons): http://goo.gl/hLkJ34 • More LIFESTYLE videos: http://goo.gl/oFwYrr • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Support me through Patreon:   / loepsie   • Shop my merch: https://teespring.com/stores/tea-time... • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • My name is Lucy, I'm a Dutchwoman here to offer an alternative approach to beauty. • On this channel I do mostly hair tutorials where I show you how to braid, pin and style your own hair. I recreate hairstyles from movies, tv shows or history and I regularly come up with my own, which I love to share with you! • I really enjoy diving into history to find out how women went about their beauty and dressing rituals in days past. Vintage and history-themed videos are my little passion project. • You'll find a bit of lifestyle content here as well, ranging from cozy chats over a cup of tea (my beloved Tea Time videos) to personal vlogs and home interior videos. • Enjoy browsing! • Love, • Lucy • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Blog: http://www.loepsie.com • Instagram:   / loepsies  


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