Windows Server 2008 dns round robin and netmask ordering
This how-to video on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 domain name service (DNS), shows the features of round robin and netmask ordering. These are features used when more than one machine is handling a resource. This means that potentially more than one machine could provide the service that a user is looking for, and as far as the user is concerned they both have the same name. Round robin will alternate in handing out the IP addresses of those machines. This spreads the work around so that one machine does not get more traffic than the other. Netmask ordering is somewhat different. It considers the IP adrress of each machine and the IP address of the requestor. It then hands the IP address that is closest to the client in an attempt to provide services more quickly. This tutorial works on Windows Server 2003 as well. It becomes such second nature to install DNS with Active Directory, we rarely think about it being a domain controller anymore. This video is to explain what some of the settings in the DNS console do. • Providing training videos since last Tuesday. • • Thanks for watching.