How to Install Linuxcentos7 minimalserverCreate a Virtual Machine in VMware Workstation Pro


Create a Virtual Machine in VMware Workstation Pro • CentOS is a Linux distribution company similar to Redhat Enterprise Linux was released it’s first version on year 2004, Till now the versions released by CentOS are CentOS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. CentOS 7 is the latest version which was released on year 2014. CentOS 7 comes with some additional features like included systemd which is replaced with init system, supports on Intel i3, i5, i7 Processors, Report bugs directly to…and So on. • Are you looking for tutorial to install linux server on virutal machine? • Then you will love this video where i share a step-by-step case study of the linux installation method: an installation of linux server centos7 on virtual machine. • How does it work? • There are few steps to follow: • -first you need to download centos7 Iso from • Open Vmware: • -After you finish downloading ISO file, then please open VMWare and click on create the virtual machine, then Select installation media or source (select your recently downloaded CentOS 7 Image)open ISO file. Now you inserted installation ISO file ready to install your OS virtually. • Vmware Settings: • Enter details (User Name Password ) Setup the virtual server disk space, RAM and number of cores for Centos – Check Virtual Machine Name and Location (Virtual Machine Backup path)– check disk capacity. Then click the Power button to start your Virtual Machine. • when your virtual machine starts you’ll see welcome screen of installation CentOS 7. You can up-down keyboard Key. • -Press the ENTER key to begin the installation process. – now start the installation your language of installation and click Next • -Now in the Installation Summary window, select date and time and software selection choose minimal to install server version Also, by setting up keyboard layouts and software installation and system, click on ‘begin installation‘. • -Then, you’ll be prompted to enter a password for root user, enter it. • -If you want to create a new user, you can fill these blanks.then click on done. Now CentOS 7 installation start and system will reboot. • -After reboot, CentOS 7 will be opened and you’ll be prompted to enter the user password. • -Your CentOs7 is ready to use! Congratulations. • For installing centos7 with GUI(DESKTOP) check video: •    • How to Install CentOS 7 With GUI (GNO...   • How to reset the root password on RHEL 7 and CentOS 7 •    • How to reset the root password on RHE...   • Install VMware Workstation to create virtual machine(linux,windows) - episode1 •    • Install VMware Workstation to create ...   • Linux user administration-epi3 •    • Linux user administration-epi3   • #centos7 #linuxinstallation #minimalinstallation #howtoinstalllinux #linuxserverinstallation • #centos7 #installation #stepbystep • SUSBSCRIBE CHANNEL FOR UPCOMING LINUX TUTORIAL •    / @alltutentertainment  


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