AMSTRAD CPC Yie Ar KungFu Longplay amp Review


Yie Ar Kung-Fu arcade conversion to the Amstrad CPC - review and longplay. • Oolong must fight 10 martial art masters before finally facing his clone and deadliest enemy Blues to win the title of Grand Master and honor the memory of his father. • One of the 1st 1v1 fighters with a large array of moves and attacks.. this set the basis for modern fighting games, Street Fighter II owes a lot to this! • This is almost an arcade-perfect conversion except for the fact that it's missing 3 of the fighters sadly :( • I did attempt to try and do a perfect run, I didn't quite succeed but this is how you defeat the fighters which most are only susceptible to a 2 maybe 3 moves and it's up to you work this out! • Only thing I didn't mention in the commentary is that the 2 player option is turn based just like in the arcade original (so you can't fight against a mate). • (c) Konami / Imagine Software 1985 • • •


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