Wii hack 41
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=7vRlfvFqUcQ
INstall homebrew channel on your wii without twilight, works on 4.0 and the new 4.1 • http://cid-bd17309ccac17c93.skydrive.... • Download files from link and extract them. Once extracted place them onto your SD card. • INsert Sd card into wii, make sure that wiiconnect 24 is OFF • now go onto data management and go onto channels and click on the sd card tab and click on what should be the only channel there. • click yes and wait to be taken to a disclaimer, your wii has not crashed but may take a while before displaying a press 1 to continue title, be patient and wait for the instructions. • INstall both homebrew channel and DVD software and wait for processes to finish. • Once the process has completed, go to exit, and you should be taken to the homebrew channel menu, from here you can access the homebrew browser and download a variety of media players, utilities emulators and games, free of charge, without any worrys that your wii will be banned.