Vocaloid Song Downloads Part TwentyEight
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=7wYEZvCNgt4
IMPORTANT!!! My Mediafire has been SUSPENDED. All the MP3 links are dead. Please check my newest video out for how to find the MP3s now easily. • • Important video for viewers of my Voc... • • EDIT: Apparently I had a brain fart and forgot the edit the first slide, seeing as it still says Part Twenty-Seven . Sorry. D: Also, I've changed the Gumo link so now, although the sample in the video isn't great, the song quality is now excellent. • I'm going to be pumping out the next three videos hopefully before the end of the week, because on Saturday my family leave for a week of vacation, and I really want to get to the next Nico Chorus special since I actually have requests for it for once. • It's official -- that Pokémon song creeps me out. I hope who requested t is happy, because I'm personally not going to listen to it again (It was a cute PV, though). Other than that song , I can officially say that this video is awesome with how many of my favorite songs it has. I mean, Binary Dancer is by one of my favorite producers (He's a god with FL Studio and techno music), Dancer in the Dark is just epic, Shouted Stars is unique and awesome...they're all just excellent songs that have, for the most part, scored high in the Vocaloid community. • Finally, getting pictures for those three huge group songs was a bitch (Excuse my language, but it was). I complained about that Gumi, Len, and Gakupo picture before -- no. I swear I spent half an hour searching before I gave up and just found a manipulatable picture for the Pokémon one (Pokémon is now serious business according to their expressions) and just moved/deleted people from it, used a screenshot from the Shouted Stars PV (Sorry Lola), and stole the sliver shots from that giant Magnet group song for Fayu Fayu. It was painful. D: • • Song List: • Opening and Ending: Cantarella by Gakupo and Kaito • http://www.mediafire.com/?kraea6oxmbj... • (0:30 -- 1:05) Can You Say Pokémon? -- Gakupo, Kaito, Meiko, Luka, and Gumi • http://www.mediafire.com/?8utfvstccd9... • (1:06 -- 1:40) Never -- Kagamine Rin and Len • http://www.mediafire.com/?al6ff2h967x... • (1:41 -- 2:16) From the Sandplay of the Singing Dragon -- Megurine Luki • http://www.mediafire.com/?zxfjhwzpwrg... • (2:17 -- 2:51) Watchmaker and Dreams -- Hatsune Miku • http://www.mediafire.com/?ooiy1cx6uie... • (2:53 -- 3:27) Dancer in the Dark -- Megurine Luka • http://nicosound.anyap.info/sound/sm1... • (Click the blue MP3 を抽出 ) • (3:28 -- 4:02) Binary Dancer -- Hatsune Miku • http://www.mediafire.com/?c99pc8cecex... • (4:04 -- 4:38) Koi wa Kitto Kyuujoushou -- Gumo • http://www.mediafire.com/?spnchirxmam... • (4:39 -- 5:13) Lovers Again -- Kaito • http://www.mediafire.com/?hdbn0fcwia6... • (5:14 -- 5:49) Fayu Fayu - Kaito, Leon, Miku, Lola, and Meiko • http://www.mediafire.com/?c8hh49uwcp7... • (5:50 -- 6:24) Psychopath -- Megurine Luka • http://www.mediafire.com/?05crd958wiq... • (6:25 -- 6:59) Shouted Stars - Lola, Kaito, Meiko, Rin, Len, Luka, and Miku • http://www.mediafire.com/?vnsp61bd9dd... • (7:00 -- 7:34) COLORLESS DIMENSION -- Hatsune Mikuo • http://www.mediafire.com/?2kwvemchmcn... • • Remember - if there are any errors, please tell me. • All pictures are from photobucket, pixiv, and occasionally deviantart in case you wanted to know. • If you have a request, please do so in a comment, message, or by posting a comment on my page. It will likely be fulfilled in the next video. I'll try my hardest to get the song, no matter what it is. If you're unsure that you can request the singer, just check my channel description for what singers I'll accept requests for.