Crapules X Capsus Freeski


The project consisted of the Crapules Capsus team to make the sequel to Voyage en Pyrenees tour 2 years ago with Tom and Capsus. Subscribe To FreeskiXtreme Here:    / freeskixtreme   • This time, the Crapules crew (Raph , Pablo, Boris and Tom) are warmly greeted by the Pyrénéan team ( Guilhem , Cesar and Roman) at home in their stronghold Pyrenees, for a full week of shooting the blank spaces between the natural reserve Pont d'Espagne, Payolle abandoned buildings and terrain parks of Andorra. Even before the arrival of Crapules the beautiful summer project is launched : 2 5D, a RED, a winch, a huge dose of motivation, creativity and three cameramen to 5 riders. • The aim was to give the best of ourselves to make a video that matched both cameramen , and skiers . Simply put: the level and creativity of riders to find the spots , and the imagination and talent of the cameramen to capture the moments of conviviality and ride . All with one watchwords : FUN . A video made seriously, but always with our mindset. Due to Capsus achievements and hilarious Crapules videos, the mix of the two crew would be great to watch ! And no matter if the rain , the cold and the wind was with us, we just wanted to spend a good week doing what you love most in the world : skiing, shooting, driving the winch and watch the derush with a beer in hand. • After a week of filming , we were all happy. And it was the most important. • Music : • Follow Caspsus here : • And on facebook : • Subscribe To FreeskiXtreme Here:    / freeskixtreme   • Website: • Twitter:   / xtremevideo   • Facebook:   / xtvideo  


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