Depleted Uranium Inside the Body Radioactive Waste from Nuclear Power Plants


Depleted Uranium in the Human Body: Sr Rosalie Bertell, PhD • Epidemiologist Rosalie Bertell (PhD, biometrics) explains the effects of the weaponized DU on the people of Iraq and the planet. In subsequent parts of this series, Dr. Bertell offers readily-accessible ways to detox some heavy metals and poisons from the body. • (part of a snowshoefilms series (2007) with Sister Bertell, a member of the Gray Nuns of the Sacred Heart.    • Depleted Uranium in the Human Body: S...   • Videos: Dr Rosalie Bertell PhD - Chemtrails Earthquakes HAARP Depleted Uranium - Includes Many Other Videos On These Subjects • • Depleted UF6 Guide • An introduction to uranium and its compounds, depleted uranium, and depleted uranium hexafluoride (depleted UF6). • • Uranium is it a Country? The Origins of Nuclear Power - Documentary •    • Video   • Please, I URGE YOU TO DOWNLOAD AND REUPLOAD THIS VIDEO BEFORE IT IS TAKEN DOWN AGAIN! • NOW AVAILABLE FULL LENGTH SO YOU CAN PUT IT ON YOUR CHANNEL TOO BY USING THE CREATIVE COMMONS REMIX BUTTON • Fallujah, Iraq, Europe, Depleted Uranium, Cancer Birth Defects, 2012 • •    • Cancer Birth Defects, Depleted Uraniu...   • • Video: Chemtrails: Sr. Rosalie Bertell, PhD - 9 Minutes 11 Seconds - In May 2005, snowshoefilms interviewed epidemiologist Rosalie Bertell (Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart) in New York City. Questions covered a wide range of topics, including 'chemtrails.' The 7-part interview was posted on Archive, and subsequently posted by others on youtube. Here's a 2009 updated edit of that interview, with chemtrail footage from Sister Bertell's Mother House in Yardley, Pennsylvania (2007) and video from Chautauqua, N.Y. Note: Cliff Carnicom (LA, May 17 2008 Chemtrail Convergence) calls attention to 3 aspects of chemtrails: ionized metalic salts, organic fibers, and dessicated red blood cells. It is our view that these dessicated blood cells are used to disseminate mycoplasmas -- in particular, weaponized mycoplasmas such as fermentans incognitus. See snowshoefilms' video of microbiologist Garth Nicolson for an explanation of how mycoplasmas could be disseminated via aerosol spray for genetically targeted populations (most of us). Note also, Sr. Bertell references 'global warming' as if it might be human caused. Whether or not that is so (we doubt it), chemtrails have been officially advanced as a mechanism to combat 'global warming'. Most likely, they contribute to local warming. • Chemtrails: Sr. Rosalie Bertell, PhD •    • Chemtrails: Sr. Rosalie Bertell, PhD   • Chemtrail Forecast North America Evening -- Night • • Depleted Uranium Released During Canadian Plane Crash • Little-Known Use of DU in Commercial Jets Exposed • • OMG! A new way to test Chemtrails! Metal Detector •    • OMG! A new way to test Chemtrails! Me...   • source remix button video mamaknock • Depleted Uranium Inside The Body Testing For Chemtrails •    • Video   • gamma rays, alpha particles, beta particles, neutrons, uranium, plutonium, mox fuel, spent fuel rods, cooling pools, nuclear meltdown,, kyodo news, chain reaction, chlorine-38, chlorine-37, seawater, fukushima daiichi, today, update, newest information, splitting atoms, water into pacific ocean, TEPCO, Tokyo Electric power company, GE, Earthquake, tsunami, aftershocks, fault line, fission, isotype Te-129, half life, halflife, reactor core, inadvertent criticality, chernobyl on steroids, dosimeters, roentgens, boron, daughter products, satellite image, crane camera view, update on crisis in Japan, The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, rescue, Arnie Gunderson, Fairewinds Associates,, nutron bursts, neutron bursts, strange isotope, nuclear reactors, chain reaction, table of elements, decay, iodine 131, high levels, units 1 2 3 4 5 6, telerium, part of core undergoing periodic nuclear fission, extra heat, extra radiation, neutrons, difficult to measure, doses of radiation difficult to measure, portion of core periodically turning itself on, boiled seawater, aerial view of fukushima daiichi after explosion, water, crane cam, hydrogen explosion, polymer, compound, filter curtains, containment plan, high levels of radiation, remote control robot, rising water levels, radioactive substances, spent fuel rod, containment vessel, storage pool, nitrogen injection, salt removal, water purification, environmental monitoring, evacuation zone, decontamination, residents, cooling system


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