Чтобы ДВОРНИКИ НЕ СКРИПЕЛИ Это ПРОСТО Скрип дворников пропадёт

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In this video the SOLUTION to the eternal problem of the squeak of the wipers. Squeaked new wipers? see what to do! • What to do to not squeaked the wipers? Squeaking wipers will not appear! Wiper blades will RUB like new! • The shrill squeak of the wipers on the windscreen can make the trip in rainy weather is unbearable. • A couple of tips not included in the video. • Clean the windshield and wipers • Remove any dirt from the wipers themselves. Moisten a paper towel with a small amount of hot soapy water or medical alcohol. Wipe the rubber blade (brush) janitors as long as the paper towel will not cease to get dirty with mud. • Do not forget to clean the levers and all moving joints of the mechanism windscreen washer system. Mobile connections can begin to work poorly and creak due to the Packed in mud. • Thoroughly wash windshield cleaner for cars. Apply generously to the windshield cleaning glass that does not contain ammonia. Then wipe it clean with a soft cloth, do not leave behind any fibers, such as microfiber. Move from the top down and work until then, until the glass is clean. • For cleaning glass you can substitute undiluted white vinegar. Pour it into a spray bottle and use same as a means for cleaning of glasses. Try to make sure that the vinegar did not get on the painted parts of the machine. • Cleaning products based on ammonia can damage the car paint and cause accelerated decomposition of plastic. If the cleaner glass cleaner contains no ammonia, it will be clearly indicated on the label. • If the windshield is very dirty, use baking soda. To achieve a more powerful cleaning effect. • Warning • Foreign of pollution hitting the splatter on your car can cause creaking wipers. In the rain, try not to create and not to fall under large surges of water. • Never put dishwashing detergent in a container for windscreen washer system. This can cause the windshield will start to squeak even more. • Replacing the wipers, you may have to go all the way trial and error as different brands of cars require different size wipers and style of performance. • Never treat the windshield with wax, as due to this the glass and the wipers can become very slippery and you will lose good visibility in bad weather conditions. • Do not operate the wipers on a frozen windshield. So you will only accelerate wear and even they can break. • Subscribe to the channel: ► https://goo.gl/FfVUQ4 ◄ • what to do to the wipers creaked on the glass:    • Чтобы ДВОРНИКИ НЕ СКРИПЕЛИ. Это ПРОСТ...   • COOL USEFUL HOMEMADE FROM TIN CANS    • НЕ ВЫБРАСЫВАЙТЕ КОНСЕРВНЫЕ БАНКИ  Пол...   • Do NOT POUR ANTIFREEZE without CHECKING IN METHANOL (test nezamerzayki at home):    • НЕ ЛЕЙТЕ НЕЗАМЕРЗАЙКУ, НЕ ПРОВЕРИВ НА...   • • • #Povtorjalka #Scriptdevice #I Cabinextremely


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