QampA Lewis Man Civil Litigation
In today's Q A we have Lewis Man, our Civil Litigation expert in Hong Kong. • Lewis has been practising since 1998 as a commercial litigator with a particular emphasis on cross-border litigation, fraud/asset tracing and contentious insolvency cases. • Lewis is the head of the firm’s commercial litigation department handling numerous matters for clients based locally in Hong Kong and overseas (most recently from UK, USA, Italy, Netherlands, France, Croatia, Israel, Mainland China, Singapore and Taiwan. • Read More: • Timecodes • 00:00 - Intro • 00:14 - Please can you introduce yourself and your main areas of specialism? • 01:23 - What are the primary, or unique, features of your service offering? • 02:32 - Please can you detail the types of cases and clients you typically engage with? • 04:48 - What are some of your career highlights – are there any landmark cases or • achievements you would like to mention? • 05:46 - Please can you tell us your main reasons for joining Global Law Experts? • 06:19 - Outro