CHANGE OF PLANS Building our Home at Cabin in Woods


EMBRACING CHANGE | We Foster a Dog + Call in the Professionals for Drywall Help 🙃 Go to or text ‘EAMONANDBEC’​ and start listening today. For a limited time you can get your first 6 months for only $9.95! • 🐷 🐏 The Promised Land Animal Sanctuary • 🎙 REROOT with Eamon and Bec • Apple Podcasts: • Spotify: • ► SUBSCRIBE for a new video every single Sunday    / eamonbec   • ► The vlog continues on Instagram   / eamonandbec​   • We've escaped to the wilderness we're building our home at a cabin in the woods ... a phrase that we didn't think we'd be saying just one short year ago. But, if 2020 taught us anything it was to embrace change so with that spirit we are looking forward to all of the many blessings, lessons and love that 2021 has in store for us all. • Speaking of change, this week really shakes things up for us! For starters, we become foster parents to a sweet elder dog named Mossa. His owner of 11 years has recently passed away so we look forward to giving him a great life until we can find his forever home. ANNNDDDD in continuation of the hanging drywall fiasco from last week we give mudding taping a go lol. Help! • Catch up on our cabin in the woods videos:​ • Eamon Bec Products • ↠ handmade chai blends​ ↞ • ↠ cookbook​ ↞ • ↠ professional photo filters​ ↞ • ↠ van build guide​ ↞ • Who are we? • We're Eamon and Bec, a Canadian couple who previously lived and traveled full-time in our self converted Sprinter Van!! When the pandemic hit earlier this year we made the difficult decision to abandon our van in Africa and fly home to Canada. Now we're here... living at a cabin in the Canadian wilderness. We've always envisioned moving into the woods by the lake and building our dream tiny cabin as a home base for us to come back to in between our international travels. We cannot wait to have a place to call our own!! • Our goal here is to inspire you to chase after your own dreams! We hope to create a community of like-minded, positive individuals who will grow to love and support one another on their own journeys.


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