COLLAGE TV Rodney Yees Advanced Yoga
See what you're really made of... • Join renowned yoga teacher Rodney Yee as he leads you through his own personal practices. These advanced full-length programs of arm balances, hip openers and pranayama test you physically and mentally - revealing new levels of power, precision, insight, and ease. • Total-body, arm-balance workout: • -Engages and strengthens your triceps, entire upper body, core and legs • -Demystifies these intense poses showing you how to sequence and build up to them • -Helps you cultivate a steadiness of mind with whatever is happening in the moment • Complete hip opening routine: • -Increases flexibility and mobility in the most neglected part of the body • -Helps prevent knee and joint problems • Advanced pranayama, or breath absorption practice: • -Improves lung capacity and circulation of rejuvenating oxygen-rich blood • -Deepens your connection within, like no other practice can • Follow the link for more information: • SKU: BDF9810