Satir 4 Coping stances


excerpted from •    • Satir Coping Stances   • • There is one more official part to the iceberg. Virginia placed it at the surface of the water and it’s called the coping stances. So the coping stances are survival stances and they’re based on discounting,ignoring invalidating basically one or more segments of the Triad that makes up full congruence. • Let me list the four copying stances. The first is called the blaming stance and the second placating stance, the third super reasonable stance, and the fourth is the irrelevant stance. So how does it all work? Let’s bring back our illustrations. • The first is called the blaming stance. When a person enacts a blaming stance, they are attending to the self, and their own interests. They are also attending to the context, but they are not attending to or giving credence to or validating the iceberg of the other person. This is an illustration from her book of someone in a blaming stance, standing and pointing at the other person. • The next stance is called the placating stance. When a person enacts a placating stance, they are attending to the other person and their interests. They’re attending to the context, but they are not attending to or giving credence to or validating their own iceberg. They are disconnected from themselves. Here’s an illustration from the Satir model of the placating stance. • The next coping stance is called the super reasonable stance. In the early days, Virginia called it computer or computing because someone’s tone in super reasonable stance sounds rather distant and academic. When we are in a super reasonable coping stance, all of our attention is on the context with no connection to the self and none to the other, either. Now you may be wondering how does that work. Well here’s an illustration. A rather priggish person with nose in the air. • The last coping stance is called the irrelevant stance. Apparently, the early term for it was distracted and the thing about the irrelevant stance is that someone who is using it is disconnected from the self but also from the other and the context as well. What do you think about that? Sounds a little crazy. You are probably wondering how do they function. An excellent question. The Satir model’s illustration was this, giving the sense of being all over the place without a sense of direction. Psychosis and syncope fainting spells are seen as more extreme but involuntary manifestations of the irrelevant coping stance but they are still in a relevant coping stance. • It’s important to remember this. We all use all four of the copying stances although we may typically use one or two more regularly.


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