Bejeweled Twist Classic CCW 16113430pts Level 68


After I tested the CCW gameplay of Bejeweled Twist in Challenge Mode. I tested again in Classic Mode. Recently, I got 16 million in Classic Mode of Bejeweled Twist, sadly, the last bomb gem that is very hard to find the matching gem failed to reach Level 69 (despite it already reached 99% on the level-up meter). Similar to a normal version that I played on May 9. The cascade of this gameplay is used from Nintendo DS version of Bejeweled Twist. • NOTICE: The current version of CCW mod of Bejeweled Twist contains a bug that causes the Doom Gem to be counted down by 1 when you make a match counter-clockwise (Except it the make twist counter-clockwise also matched when clockwise). Be careful when making a twist counter-clockwise when a doom gem appears. I also say sorry for this video due to having low fps (7fps) instead of 30fps. • TIP: Having many special gems (Flame, Lightning, Supernova, and Fruit) will help you to destroy many obstacle gems such as Bomb Gem, Locked Gem, and Doom Gem. Make triple gem sets and destroy more coals in one move to get a maximum impact (trigger with Lightning or Supernova are strongly recommended). • Final Stats: • Longest Chain: 213 • Average Multiplier: x9.7 • Best Moves (Gems): 61 (35:41) • Best Moves (Cascade): 7 • Best Move (Points): 150.000 (1:01:37) • Special Gems: 55% of Points • Coal: 421 Coals destroyed (3,989,000pts) • Fruit Gems: 98 Fruit Gems used (2,652,440pts) • Flame Gems: 699 Flame Gems detonated (2,582,000pts) • Lightning Gems: 49 Lightning Gems detonated (488,390pts) • Supernova Gem: 1 Supernova Gem detonated (Created at 3:23:43) • Gameplay in 2016:    • Bejeweled Twist: Classic Mode (4,727,...   • Non-CCW Classic Gameplay (6.4 Million):    • Bejeweled Twist: Classic (6,444,630pt...   • Gameplay with all 47 planetary backdrops:    • Bejeweled Twist Classic - Exploring A...   • Best Move: • 3:26, 6:25. 6:36, 8:01, 13:39, 16:30, 22:14, 28:12, 31:40, 33:27, 34:40, 35:41, 48:54, 57:36, 57:57, 1:01:37, 1:02:33, 1:06:00, 1:11:53, 1:22:22, 1:28:18, 1:33:31, 1:37:33, 1:44:54, 1:45:12, 2:02:50, 2:11:11, 2:24:15, 2:24:55, 2:28:22, 2:29:21, 2:30:40, 2:35:51, 2:36:00, 2:40:02, 2:46:17, 2:46:55, 2:55:28, 3:10:33, 3:18:56, 3:19:35, 3:33:15, 3:47:24 • Fruit Dance: • 8:14, 11:01, 14:15, 16:55, 18:18, 37:05, 58:24, 1:31:23, 1:49:51, 2:19:24, 2:28:40, 2:29:21, 2:40:20, 2:44:40, 2:47:03, 3:12:20, 3:19:49, 3:29:52, 3:32:13 • Supernova Gem Detonated: 3:23:52 • Sweet Escape from Bomb Gem: 4:44, 29:16, 38:49, 55:45, 1:24:43, 2:06:39, 2:43:49, 3:43:09 • Misc: • 1st Spinner: 43:00 (End in Gems) • Why 1st Spinner appears: 2 other Blue Gems are too far with a triggered Bomb Gem • 2nd Spinner: 2:58:44 (End in Gems) • Why 2nd Spinner appears: A locked gem prevents a Red Bomb Gem from defusing in a normal way • 3rd Spinner: 3:30:31 (End in Gems) • Why 3rd Spinner appears: Only 4 green gems onscreen (1 bomb gem, 2 green locked gems, and 1 moveable bomb gem, it is too far to get green gems (matchable green gems located at the bottom left, bomb gem located at top-right which is the farthest location ever). • 4th Spinner: 3:48:19 (End in Skull, ends the game) • Why 4th Spinner appears: No matchable red gems, the last match creates a flame gem, but only adds 600 points due to having an x6 multiplier, which prevents them from leveling up to level 69 (Compared with x10 which adds1000 points and leveling up to level 69). • 1:16:51 = I paused the game to have breakfast. • 1:20:00 = I ranked up to Rank 53 • 1:37:02 = Damn, I twist the wrong white gem, failing to get a Fruit Dance • 1:38:16 = I didn't notice that I should be able to clear bomb gems without making a matchless move (by twisting the gem counter-clockwise) (Since this game played with CCW Mod). The similar cases happened at 1:38:39 • 1:45:25 = Cascade causing lowering the accuracy and lowering the chain meter. • 2:07:52 = Another mistake, Flame Gem explosion, failed to get MEGA Fruit Bonus (It should be if I rotate them counter-clockwise). • 2:15:33 = Level 50 Reached • 2:28:22 and 2:29:21 = Rare moment got 2 Mega Fruit Bonuses in Classic/Bomb Mode. • 2:43:22 = Originally, I had planned to create a Lightning gem to destroy coals (Since there are 12 coals onscreen), but, I decided to not do that to maintain the multiplier and avoid a bomb gem being destroyed. • 2:53:41 = I should be able to defuse two bomb gems without a multiplier down, but, a locking gem (a gem that will turn into a locked gem on the next turn) ruined the plan, causing the multiplier down to defuse two bomb gems. • 3:16:23 = I ranked up to Rank 54 • 3:28:12 = Another mistake match when defusing a bomb gem • 3:39:44 = Doom Gems in 1 matchless moves, If I make a counter-clockwise without destroying a Doom Gem, the game is over, Doom Gem will explode immediately once it reaches 0 (no spinner like Bomb Gem). • 3:40:31 = Doom Gem has been defused before Doom Gem explodes • 3:46:56 = I make a wrong match (causing multiplier down from x9 to x7)


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