Winstrol Anavar amp Testosterone My Experience’s From My 1st Cycle
Article: • John Doe Bodybuilding's ''Straight From The Underground Book'': • Channel Category: ''Body/Health Fitness/Diet'' • Video Content: ''Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor. This article IS NOT to be taken as medical advice. I am not advocating for you to use any thing discussed here. Whatever you do with this information is completely up to you. This is for entertainment purposes only. • Now that we have that out of the way, lets begin: • Last spring I decided to take the plunge and give anabolic steroids a try. • There were several reasons why I decided to do this: • –As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, I’ve been lifting weights since I was 14 years old, so at the time I started this cycle, I had already had 17 years of experience in the gym. I was also 31 years old last spring. I’m mentioning these two points here for a reason: I think its extremely important that, if and when you decide for yourself if you want to take steroids, that you be old enough, and have had enough years of experience in the gym. • –I felt as though I had achieved my genetic potential. • –I have an experimental mind, enjoy experimenting with things that effect my performance. Particularly, with substances that have the ability to enhance me cognitively, or physically. With regard to cognitive or physical performance enhancement that is. I use the term performance enhancement in a general sense, meaning I don’t specifically mean steroids. • Performance enhancement I define as anything that has the potential to allow me to do something better, quicker, or more effectively than I’d be able to otherwise. • –I have a keen interest in my body as it relates to muscle mass, body fat, and just overall fitness. • –I trust myself and my ability to safely use anabolic steroids responsibly. I’d put months and months of research into the subject, its not something I just woke up one morning and decided to do • The main book which drove my decision to do this was John Doe Bodybuilding’s book ”Straight From The Underground”. The link up above will take you right to this book. • My curiosity in the subject was obviously already there, which is why I bought the book. After reading it however, I felt much more confident in my ability to embark on it safely and correctly. Without that book, I’m really not sure how long it would have taken to feel comfortable to on gear. Probably several months longer. • It took a couple weeks to read the book, so any way you look at, extensive research beforehand is essential. You really need to know what you’re doing before you decide to make this decision. • In this article, I’m going to share my experiences with you. • Let me get this out of the way first: It is not commonly advised, even by me, to stack 3 different compounds on your 1st cycle (like I did). On my 2nd cycle I did Testosterone 400 only and that by itself was enough. The reason experts advise this is because when you stack all 3 on your 1st cycle, you may not be able to clearly tell what results are coming from which compound. • Like I mentioned, I’ve since done a 2nd cycle of Test 400 only, so that allowed me to know what side effects were only resulting from the Test and not from the Winstrol or Anavar. • In any event here is what I experienced from each one, and some thoughts I have for anyone interested in trying them. The brand I used for all 3 was Toraxx. • • Test 400: • Test 400 is a long-chain, slow release testosterone. This one was a combo mixture of Test Cypionate and Test Enanthate. I recommend starting with either this same thing, or just Cypionate. • So my experience? Wow, where do I start here? My first dose of test was a 400 mg. dose, so was the 2nd, so was the 3rd. This was actually a mistake believe it or not. My inexperienced ass didn’t realize I was shooting up 400 mgs. of test instead of 200 mgs, so make sure you know how much you’re drawing into your needle. • After the 3rd week, I dropped it down to 200-250 mgs. This is enough for me and gave me the desired effect I wanted for my first run at this. • In a nutshell, trying Test for the 1st time in way felt like being reborn again. Its hard to translate it into words. It’s one of those compounds where, the first time you try it, you never forget what it felt like. A couple other things I’ve taken in my life that also had this effect were: Vyvanse, phenibut, alcohol, and weed. I’m not saying those are good substances to consume (phenibut can be), I’m simply saying that I’ll never ever forget the first time I experienced their effects, and Testosterone was no different. • Positive Side Effects: • 1.) I felt much more POWERFUL. Just in a general sense. I felt more in.... • Read the rest of the article right here: •