SPACETIME - SCIENCE SHOW: The beginning of everything was the Big Bang. The creation of our universe was set in motion. But what came before the big bang? And what happened right after the big bang? We are fascinated by the infinite vastness of the universe. A vastness inconceivable to anything we can imagine. But how do we know that the universe is infinite? These are the questions humanity has been preoccupied with since we looked up at the stars: where do we come from? Where are we going? And where is our place in the infinity of the cosmos? • The Big Bang is the absolute starting point of our universe. The birth of space and time. But was there really nothing before that? A nothing beyond our imagination, or was there something before the big bang? What cosmologists and astrophysicists can say with certainty: Our universe came into existence exactly 13.8 billion years ago. And everything started from a single speck. A tiny speck where our three-dimensional universe, space, was buried. But where was this speck, this dot? There is no answer comprehensible for average human imagination. Only mathematics helps here. And it states: this three-dimensional, strongly curved speck was just there. • After the big bang, our universe ballooned. And continues to expand today, maybe for all eternity. Nevertheless, astronomers define the universe as manageable: it is as big as the eye can see. It consists of what we can observe in principle. In order to discover and observe galaxies and stars, we need to light. The light of our central star, our sun, takes 8 minutes to reach us. The light of the nearest stars a few years. Tens of thousands of years from the next galaxies. The Hubble Space Telescope photographs galaxies several billion light-years away, and satellites measure the microwave radiation produced only 400,000 years after the Big Bang. With this data, cosmologists measure our universe in space and time. • Let there be light! In this episode of Spacetime, Professor Ulrich Walter explains how out of nowhere our universe emerged. How it expanded, and what happened and continues to happen today. We focus on the question whether our Universe will last forever, or whether it is finite. What would happen at the end? We examine the phenomena that our cosmos holds: What are dark energy and dark matter? Why black holes exist and how do wormholes work? Are there really parallel universes? And what does the detection of gravitational waves mean for science? We look at the theories, methods and instruments that cosmologists use to track down the origin and function of our universe. • The view into space gives us images of a fascinating and bewildering beauty. Landscapes of light and gas and stardust, shaped by cosmic wind and radiation. We are surrounded by an intangible infinity. A universe in which the earth is just a grain of sand on the beach of an ocean. But we are deciphering more and more secrets of the universe around us. • About the documentary series SPACETIME • Take a look at the Earth from space: Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Walter has fulfilled the dream of mankind. In 1993 he traveled to Earth orbit. For the science format Spacetime , the astronaut once again sets off for the universe. In this reportage series, the physicist and professor of space technology presents current space travel trends and pioneering discoveries in space research. • The challenges of the dream call Astronaut , the new race of the space nations to the moon or the discovery of further Earth-like exoplanets: In this documentary series, Ulrich Walter proves how lifelike science can be and what answers space travel offers to some of the fundamental questions of human existence. • In Spacetime , the viewer learns about the visions that space research is currently pursuing and what insights will change our future forever. • Watch all SPACETIME episodes •    • SpaceTime - Science Show   • Subscribe our full documentary channel •    / @weltdocumentary   • #Universe #bigbang #Spacetime


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