√ The Method of Decarbonate Soda Drink Experiment Explained in Detail



📢 Receive Comprehensive Mathematics Practice Papers Weekly for FREE 😊 • Click this link to get: ▶️▶️▶️ https://iitutor.com/email-list/ ◀️◀️◀️ • Carbon dioxide is added to soft drinks to give them their fizz . The carbon dioxide is dissolved under pressure in the container. As soon as the container is open, pressure is reduced and carbon dioxide begins to undissolved from the drink. If the drink is left open to the atmosphere, carbon dioxide will continue to leave the liquid. You see this when you pour a glass of lemonade from a bottle. At first, bubbles rise from the liquid to the surface very quickly and after a while, the bubbles' evolution rate slows down and eventually stops. The drink still contains a small amount of dissolved carbon dioxide but has gone “flat” and lost its fizz-it has been “decarbonated”. • The amount of carbon dioxide lost in decarbonising a fizzy drink can be determined by measuring the mass lost from a measured drink. The following procedure is one way to do this. • • Weigh a can containing a carbonated (fizzy) soft drink. Record this as mass (1). This is the total mass of can, liquid, and carbon dioxide. • • Open top of soft drink can, being careful not to spill any liquid. • • Re-weigh the can at regular intervals. You should note that mass initially decreases. Eventually, the mass will no longer significantly change as carbon dioxide has stopped leaving. Record this as mass (2). This is the mass of the can and liquid. • The next steps involve some calculations to find the masses involved. • • To find the mass of carbon dioxide, subtract mass (2) (can liquid) from mass (1) (can liquid + carbon dioxide). • We now need to find a number of moles of carbon dioxide involved and then volume. • A number of moles mass present molar mass. • The volume of carbon dioxide number of moles molar volume. • Molar volume = 24.79 L mol-1 at 25 °C and 100 kPa • You may also need to be able to express the amount of gas given off as a percentage of soft drinks.


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