부산에서 국제 플라스틱 협력 마지막 협상 • Hello and welcome to Press Perspective for this Tuesday November 26th here in Capital Seoul. • I'm Min Sunhee. • Korea is playing host to a number of global gatherings this week aimed at addressing plastic pollution and at advancing sustainable energy solutions. • For more I have Celio Fioretti a correspondent for French daily La Croix over in Busan. • Celio welcome. • I also have Chloe Borgnon a correspondent for French broadcaster France 24. • Chloe it's good to have you here. • • 1) First, Celio, let's start with some background information about the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution. • 2) And Chloe, before we delve any further, what has been shared about the severity of plastic pollution in recent times? • 3) Celio, this fifth session of the UN plastics treaty talks looks to be the final platform for a tangible pact on fighting the pollution. • That being said, what are the main points of contention, and what are your prospects of a treaty? • 4) Chloe, some pundits believe the incoming Trump administration will be toxic for environmental policy and will doom efforts to end plastic pollution. • What do they mean, and what are your thoughts? • 5) Celio, despite the debate among countries over ways to tackle plastic pollution, it appears the public wants a plan to dramatically reduce plastic waste. • What more can you tell us? • 6) Meanwhile, Chloe, while delegates in Busan seek to fight plastic waste, others in Incheon are promoting wind energy amid concerns over climate change. • Do tell us a bit about the APAC Wind Energy Summit including its agenda. • 7) Celio, what are the prospects of wind energy development here in Korea as compared to its global partners including France? • 8) Chloe, offshore wind is one renewable energy source touted by participants at COP28 last year in response to climate change. • Now, this year, I hear a deal was sealed, but deep divisions persist. • Do tell us more. • 9) Celio, what are some of your takeaways from the COP29 in Azerbaijan? • 10) Chloe, according to a monthly British magazine, Korea ranks among the top five in terms of a public that is very concerned about the consequences of global warming. • Do you suppose this finding indicates that government policies to protect the environment will be well received by the people here? • • All right. • #Plastic #Global #Environment #Pollution #Busan #국제_플라스틱_협약 #플라스틱 #환경 #부산 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 • 📣 Facebook : / arirangtvnews • 📣 Twitter : / arirangtvnews • 📣 Homepage : • 2024-11-26, 17:30 (KST)