Primal Fear Spawn Config DISCONTINUED Read Video Description and Google Doc Tutorial
EDIT (July 28/20): The Spawn Config Page as of Jan. 24/2020 does not work anymore due to a new Spawn Method we implemented in. Here is a brief understanding how it works: • So I did a test on SpawnWeights on the PF Dino tag, and with the new spawn method, those do nothing to the dinos, since they are tied into the Vanilla dinos spawning in, this makes me believe that to increase a specific dino on the map (or at least, a better chance of finding one), you increase the Vanilla dino counterpart of it (ie. I want more Celestial Rexes, so I will increase the Vanilla Rex more so I get a better chance at one). This also works for decreasing PF dinos too by doing the same method, but turning the SpawnWeight down. Since Vanilla is set to 1, If you want less PF dinos, you lower this below 1 (0.05 -0.99) and if you want more, go beyond 1. Though I would do them in SMALL increments like 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, etc. as you could potentially make WAY more spawn in than what you really want. This method works so far as of now, but Pikkon and team are working on getting another way to change the spawns via an ini config or a UI command down the road. But this is the best way to fight the PF dino overspawns and underspawns as of now. • Hey all! Just giving a quick rundown on how to change your Spawn Weights with Primal Fear and other nifty things on the Google Doc provided by Pikkon! • Primal Fear Google Doc: • Ark Server Configuration Wiki: • Primal Fear Wiki: • Primal Fear Discord: / discord