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What’s Inside these Ravioli? • No need to wonder anymore… lobster on the inside, lobster on the outside. • This recipe is a combination of a few lobster ravioli recipes out there, but you'll possibly recognize the chutney from Gordon Ramsey's recipe. It was a really good addition. • For the Filling: • 1 Lobster (2 Large Tails) • 120g Salmon • 1 Egg White • Lemon Zest and Juice (To Taste) • Basil (To Taste) • • For the Stock and Glaze: • Roasted Lobster Shells • 20g Olive Oil • 200g Onion (Chopped) • 100g Carrot (Chopped) • 100g Celery (Chopped) • 1 Clove Garlic • 16g Tomato Paste • 1 L Stock (Chicken or Vegetable) • For the Tomato Chutney: • 4-5 Tomatoes • 20g Olive oil • Salt (To Taste) • Basil (To Taste) • Make a serving of pasta dough according to the H is for Homemade Pasta Video. If you’d like to make little lobsters, just add some beetroot powder to a tiny bit of dough. You don’t need much. Like a walnut sized piece. • Cook the lobster. If you just have tails, steaming for 8 minutes is great. But if you have a whole lobster, boiling 8 minutes per pound is good. • Remove the meat from the lobster and roast the shells at 400F for 20 minutes • In a large stock pot, combine the olive oil, onions, carrots, celery, garlic, lobster shells, and tomato paste. Fry together for 2-3 minutes before covering with stock and simmering for 1 hour before straining completely. • Save ⅔ of the stock for cooking the ravioli, and reduce the rest in a small pot until it forms a thick glaze. • While the stock simmers for 1 hour, make the filling by blending the salmon and egg whites into a paste. Fold in the diced lobster meat, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and basil to taste. (This mixture does have some egg white in it, so taste with caution… if that concerns you, you can fry off a bit or dip it into the simmering stock for a few seconds before tasting). • Set the filling aside and roll out your pasta dough, measuring out the center of each raviolo and placing a lobster in the center. To make sure the lobster stays in place, I wet them with a little bit of water and then gently rolled them in place with a rolling pin. • Add a large spoonful of filling to each raviolo, seal with a bit of water, and cut with either a ravioli stamp or a fluted pasta cutter. • You can let these ravioli sit on a floured wooden surface until the stock is ready to cook. Or freeze them directly for later. • For the tomato chutney, score, blanche, and peel the tomatoes. Remove the seeds and dice up the tomato flesh. In a saucepan, stew the tomatoes in some olive oil and salt for 15 minutes, adding some basil towards the end. • Cook the ravioli for about 2 minutes, and then serve with the tomato chutney and lobster glaze. • #lobsterravioli #lobster #italianfood #pasta #cooking


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