Superman Sunman Prototype Nintendo Soundtrack
Alternate names: Sunman • System: Nintendo Entertainment System / Famicom • Company: SunSoft • Year: Unknown • Bitrate: 128 kbps (Poor) • Number of tracks: 2 • Proper tags: Yes, by me. • NSF tag by: ugetab • Composer data: Yes, from the NSF. • Composers: Hirohiko Takayama • Soundtrack size (from MediaFire): 6.43 MB • Get it here: • I have constantly been doing something for this week and a half. First it was lots and lots upon lots of hours playing different DBZ Budokai and Budokai Tenkaichi games, then a little Final Fantasy VII, then a lotta DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi games again, then some Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, then some Doom and then more Tenkaichi. That was last week. I then finished the soundtrack description updates and then did some updating on my website. • After finishing the tables on my website I took up writing a FAQ for Arumana no Kiseki, a FDS game, which I started yesterday (the 7th) and finished today (the 8th). I submitted it to GameFAQs and it should be Accepted or Rejected in the near future. If it gets through, I'll link you to the FAQ section of the game. • In any case, just enjoy the awesome 8-bit rendition of the Superman theme, ENJOY IT!