Giants Resentment and Bitterness with Jason Koerner amp Parker Sherwood


Resentment and bitterness can infiltrate our lives in so many ways. Things that have happened to us beyond our control can darken our hearts and eat us up from the inside, negatively impacting our emotional and physical health, even affecting our relationship with Jesus. • The enemy loves to capitalize on this too, because we as men sometimes struggle to acknowledge our feelings, frustrations and fears.! Many men don’t have strong relationships where they talk about real things and it leaves them with gaping holes of unaddressed pain and legitimate frustration. We end up harboring resentment, holding grudges and building up cancerous bitterness. When we don’t address our wounds, it always, always comes out at some point. • We can’t control what people do to us, but we can control our response. The only thing we control is our response to the stuff that comes our way and we need God’s power to be able to respond in the right way! • On this episode of Locker Room, we sit down with our guests Jason and Parker to talk about how to move forward with processing resentment and bitterness, while still guarding our hearts and minds. • • • DISCUSSION GUIDE • Talk about the worst/best camp experience you’ve had. • What were your first thoughts when you saw the topic was Resentment and Bitterness? Do you struggle with these giants? Do you tend to hold a grudge? • READ Hebrews 12:14-15. What can this passage teach us about these giants and how to deal with them? • The only way that we can kill the giant of bitterness is FORGIVENESS. That starts with understanding we have been forgiven by God from a multitude of sins we can’t even fathom. Is that difficult to accept? What does it feels like to be forgiven by God and by others? • READ Mark 11:25. Share a time when you forgave someone. How did you feel afterwards? God commands us to forgive. Do you take this command seriously? • Three steps to forgiveness - Step 1: We own what happened. Step 2: We acknowledge the pain that it brought on us. Step 3: We choose to forgive. Which step is the most difficult for you? Where in this process do you get caught up? • READ Romans 12:19. Our world and our flesh loves revenge, but we are commanded as Jesus followers to have none of this. How can you fight feelings of wanting to get revenge? • The guys talked about the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation. What stood out to you about that conversation? Have you had a time when you were able to reconcile with someone you forgave? • READ Romans 12:18. We can only choose our own actions and responses. Is this hard for you to accept? • What else from the podcast spoke to you? • What did God/Holy Spirit speak/prompt/say to you?  What’s God asking you to do?  What does He want to give you?  What does He want you to lay down? •   • NEXT STEPS  • Join a Group at • For any other questions or comments email [email protected]


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