143 Armlocks in 10 Minutes with Ryron Gracie
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=8StjaUH5eUM
http://www.GracieAcademy.com • Unquestionably one of the best armlock tutorials on the web. The two most important things to take notice of are 1) the various types of transitional methods Ryron uses when going from one side to the other, and 2) the lowness of Ryron's during each transition. • p.s. Try at your own risk. Ryron's partner for this drill Rodrigo Salas, couldn't train for two weeks after this exercise because his face and his rib cage was so scuffed up from Ryron's legs. • If you live in Hermosillio, Sonora, and your looking for a place to learn Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, please go to http://www.SalasJJM.com