LOBES OF LIVER amp Couinaud segment
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=8U1ap7N7kL8
Classify the lobes of liver. • What is the difference between anatomical and physiological classification of liver. • what is couinaud segment of liver. • What is cantlie's line. • What is caudate and quadrate lobe of liver. • What is Riedel's lobe of liver. • #drsumitgupta • #couinaud segment • #riedelslobe • source of image: 1.Gray's anatomy for students, second south asia edition. • 2. Schwartz's principles of surgery, 10th edition. • join on telegram.. • https://t.me/joinchat/c4DaKW6ouOY5NDg1 • Thanks for watching