Using NASA’s AppEEARS to Slice and Dice Big Earth Data
The NASA Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples (AppEEARS) brings efficiency to your scientific workflow through its ability to subset, reformat, and reproject in one step. View this webinar to learn more! • Detailed Information: The Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples (AppEEARS) is an intuitive and powerful data extraction application for Earth Observation datasets archived at NASA's Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs). With AppEEARS, users have the ability to make precise data extractions for specified bands/layers and time ranges for point locations or areas of interest from more than 100 geospatial datasets. Users can leverage the built-in exploratory data visualizations for both point and area samples to gain insights into the data before downloading. AppEEARS lessens the data download burden by providing at-archive data reduction and brings efficiency to your scientific workflow through its ability to subset, reformat, and reproject in one step. • • To learn more about LP DAAC data, information, services and tools:

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