Adthrive vs Ezoic Comparing Numbers amp Features Across 7 Sites
Join My Course: Adthrive and Ezoic are two of the most popular premium ad networks for bloggers and publishers. They both have their advantages and disadvantages but how do they stack up when we actually compare the numbers? • I test Adthrive and Ezoic and compare the features to see who's the better Premium ad network. • We look at ALL the features and data inside the two dashboards and we also look at things like usability, the application process, and customer service. • I've been using both Adthrive and Ezoic side by side for a long time now and I have numbers from both networks. I really like both networks but you need to know the differences before you choose which one is the best option for your needs. • You need 100,000 pageviews to get into Adthrive and with Ezoic you can get in from around 10,000 pageviews. But that's not the only difference. As we compare the metrics we also find that they have very different setups and they both do well with load times and site speed when they are given the chance to correct things. • The other videos I mention in the video: • Adthrive review: • Adthrive Review: Earning Reports + Co... • EZOIC Review: • Ezoic Ads Tutorial | High-Earning Set... • Check out the tools I use: • • Join my email list (to know when my course comes out: •