How Does a Car Lease Work Calculation Breakdown
MY EXACT Dividend Stock Portfolio -- See it in M1 Finance! || • • How Does a Car Lease Work? • This video is all about the car lease, what is a car lease, and how does a car lease work. Nearly 30% of new cars are lease each year. • The video touches on what the money factor is in car leases and how the monthly car lease is calculated. • My name is JOE and I am just your AVERAGE JOE ON MONEY. This channel is all about helping YOU reduce financial stress, and help you manage money the right way SO THAT you can be free to do what you love and what makes you come alive! • Follow Me on FACEBOOK: • / averagejoeonmoney • Follow Me on INSTAGRAM: @AverageJoeOnMoney • Connect with me on LinkedIn: • / averagejoeonmoney